Tree Grates | Urban Design Furniture | Non Solo Arredo

Tree Grates

A recurring problem with tree-lined streets or avenues is uneven soil due to root development. So how to avoid disruptions and at the same time safeguard the green in the cities without having to resort to often useless and expensive remedies? - Tree grates are a simple and elegant solution which, allowing trees to have a surface in which they can grow without causing imbalances, literally prevent and solve the problem at the root.

The items proposed here are produced on a large scale in different sizes but, in special cases, custom grids can also be designed and built. Starting from shape and material , different models are available, from those in cast iron such as the "Circular" or the "Cudrado" to those in more modern and refined steel, such as the "Fidenza" or the "Exentric", laser cut to obtain special decorations and finishes.