Recycled Plastic Furniture | Street furniture | Non Solo Arredo

Recycled Plastic Furniture

Recycled plastic is the material of the future, because it guarantees resistance over time and to bad weather without the need for maintenance .
This self-developed material forms the basis for palisades, U-profiles, beams, sleepers and L-bricks. In addition, the secondary value material can be used for square profiles, panels, slabs and posts as well as cross profiles. Bollards, fences, screens, railings and barriers are manufactured with this recycled material . Similarly, terrains, ridge piles, guided piles, decking boards and paddock boards can be used.

sustainable recyclable plastic also offers lawn bars, hex plates and weed plates. In addition, we make sets, benches, tables, seating groups, round benches and bench boards and of course, accessories for benches, planters, raised beds and composers and waste containers .
Last but not least, children's benches, children's tables, sandboxes and muddy tables made of this ecological material. Therefore, our plastic recycling ensures that building materials, building materials, outdoor furniture and play equipment and street furniture can be produced in an economical, ecological and durable way .